Todo el personal de la Administración Local de Aragón. -
Facilitar a cada alumno/a el acceso al nivel de inglés que desee cursar, bajo el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas, pudiendo elegir entre A1, A2, B1, B2 o C1.
Unit 1: 1. Rock band. 2. We're going to perform at Glastonbury. 3. "Dark Night"
Unit 2: 1. Camping in the countryside. 2. Cut that wire. 3. Camping rules. 4. Life outside - Additional vocabulary
Unit 3: 1. You are not invited to the party. 2. Why don't you come in? 3. I liked your new song
Unit 4: 1. Let me treat you to a drink. 2. Shouldn't I? 3. I feel ill. 4. Radio food programme - Listening comprehension
Unit 5: 1. I fancy going to the United States. 2. Your plans in life. 3.Let's get a takeaway - Additional vocabulary
Unit 6: 1. Falling in love. 2. The bill is wrong. 3. African-American writers. 4. Advice column - Reading comprehension
Unit 7: 1. Food shopping - Typical situation. 2. Going out - Dialogue. 3. Potato salad - Reading comprehension