Todo el personal de la Administración Local de Aragón. -
Facilitar a cada alumno/a el acceso al nivel de inglés que desee cursar, bajo el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas, pudiendo elegir entre A1, A2, B1, B2 o C1.
Unit 1: 1.Starting out the theatre group. 2. Studying must be learned. 3. Body language. 4. World music tour - Reading comprehension. 4. Memories of boarding school - Listening comprehension.
Unit 2: 1. Joining the group. 2. Witness. 3. Explorers.
Unit 3: 1. Have you ever done any acting before?. 2. Defence of theatre. 3. Notes of a traveller. 4. Health disorders - Reading comprehension.
Unit 4: 1. Rehearsing in a hired hall. 2. Our brain's potential. 3. By the year 2050...4. Meaningful celebrations - Use of English.
Unit 5: 1. An invitation to the local press. 2. Popular characters. 3. How do you tell them apart?
Unit 6: 1. The first performance. 2. "How do you do". 3. I'm quite jet-lagged. 4. A change for the better - Reading comprehension. 5. The Multangular Tower - Dictation.
Unit 7: 1. Chemist's - Typical situation. 2. Travelling - Dialogue. 3. Cake design - Reading comprehension. 4. Secrets of the sacred lake - Use of English.